About Gill Wilson and the PEMF Centre
‘Every disability conceals a vocation, if only we can find it, which will turn the necessity to glorious gain.’
– CS Lewis
Hello, and thanks for visiting the about page of The PEMF Centre.
My name is Gill Wilson. On this page, I’ll tell you about the background to how and why I created the centre, and its core aim to expand on the potential of PEMF technology to help your body perform at its optimal levels.
About Gill

A long personal battle with Chronic Lyme Disease led me to discover the many benefits of PEMF/ iMRS.
The PEMF Centre is my passion. I am one of the early pioneers of bringing the Swiss Bionic Solutions PEMF iMRS systems into the UK for over a decade, helping clients with PEMF application programs to get the best from their systems. The PEMF Centre have several iMRS systems available for short-term home rental or for people wanting to experience the iMRS/PEMF benefits before investing in a system.
With many years of experience in PEMF applilcation I encourage and support people to gain a better quality of life through the correct use of all of our iMRS systems. I have personally designed two PEMF Centres and trained a team of staff to deliver PEMF to the community as well as getting involved in a number of wider regional projects including setting up and training the staff at the Sheffield Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre. I have supported people with community programs who would otherwise be unable to afford to use PEMF and have been thrilled to see the contribution PEMF has made to their recovery and quality of life. The aim is to make a complex subject easy to understand and demystify a little-understood technology.
I bring together the skills of personnel management and international business and a personality that is persevering, caring, and compassionate – unphased by skepticism and continual setbacks because “I know I can make a difference”.
Much time and money have been invested travelling to the USA and Switzerland to get educated in PEMF by experts over the years. Attending leading Lyme Disease and Chronic Fatigue conferences in Norway, The Netherlands and London listening to some of the leading doctors and scientists treating patients with allopathic, herbal, and energetic protocols. I have come to understand the incredible complexities of these illnesses both personally and through these conferences. This additional knowledge, together with PEMF means I can often signpost people to other areas which may help them or their families.
There has been much to discourage me over the years in this pioneering business. However, my husband related a story many years ago which bears repeating and drives me forward.
‘One day there was a small boy on a beach and as the waves came in and as the tide was turning, hundreds and hundreds of starfish were being stranded on the sand and dying in the hot sun of the day. The boy wandered across the beach, picking up as many starfish as he could, and threw them back into the sea. Watching this. an old man walked by on the beach and said to the boy:
“Son, he said, you are wasting your time. There are hundreds of Starfish coming in with each new wave and there are far too many for you to make a difference.” The boy bent down and pick up another single Starfish and threw it into the water. He looked up at the older man, smiled, and said …” It makes a difference to that one!”.
Hanging on the wall of my office is a beautiful poem that was written by Ralph Waldo Emmerson I bought it over 25 years ago entitled “What is success?” It’s beautiful and I would say a reflection of the life I have lived and continue to want to live. The poem ends with this verse:
“To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded”
I hope all the years, time, and money I have invested discovering how and why I went from travelling the world, running an international recruitment business to barely being able to function for years, will help and encourage others to understand you have other options to improve your own chronic health condition or alternatively introduce some modalities as preventative wellness for yourself and your family.
Over the years I have worked with people in chronic pain, children with Autism, people with Parkinson’s, MS, post-recovery from surgery – hip and knee replacements. ME/Chronic Fatigue, prostate problems, arthritis, and those looking to support both their treatment and recovery from cancer with PEMF. Racing car drivers, footballers, and many more who want to improve performance and manage injuries. I even worked with one of the athletes in the 2012 Olympic Games.
I know from all the people with Chronic Lyme I have worked with, PEMF/ iMRS is “a jewel” as a supportive overall therapy for the entire human organism. This is also true of many other chronic conditions to give the body the energy it cannot produce for itself and encourage the body’s own healing, improving quality of life and helping with daily management. I believe this is also true of Long Covid. We have already had some clients rent our home systems and go on to buy the iMRS prime having struggled to recover from fatigue and other debilitating symptoms associated with Long Covid.
I am also excited to be continuing that pioneering spirit by offering for the first time in the UK the MRET water activator system and the MRET – Chip which I first saw when I watched an online series “The Truth about Cancer”. I watched with great interest as there are many similarities in how you can improve your immune system when you are battling cancer as when you have Lyme Disease.
Getting back to nature and using nature’s earth-based frequencies (iMRS a low-frequency PEMF system), cleaning up your system by finding the best diet, dealing with environmental toxins, harmful EMFs, balancing the gut, ensuring the best supplementation of vitamins and minerals, all give the body the best chance of recovery. Two things I know from my own regular testing both energetically and through blood tests over the years, firstly, after my daily regime of MRET Water drinking I don’t have any viruses today including some I was advised I would never get out of my system. Secondly, my own CD4 showed my killer cell activity to be top of the scale. I personally drink two litres of MRET daily.
Many with Chronic Lyme become electrosensitive and since 2008 have been very careful of how I use technology. Using the iMRS daily helps with this however I have been using the MRET Shield/ Chip on my mobile phone, computer, router, and hairdryer for the last 4 years and this also makes a difference.
My own journey of chronic ill health, my faith in God in the darkest of days, and all the difficulties and personal cost to pioneer PEMF/ iMRS in the UK has brought me to where I am today. I believe this quote of Joseph B Wirthlin is a good summary of my life experience.
“Learning to endure times of disappointment, suffering, and sorrow is part of our ‘on the job’ training. These experiences while often difficult to bear at the time, are precisely the kinds of experiences that stretch our understanding, build our character and increase our compassion for others”.
What you can expect from The PEMF Centre as a Customer
We will never engage in high-pressure selling techniques, bombard you with marketing calls or emails. You will be given good advice on the best system for your budget and for your needs both short and long term. You then are given space and time to consider this important investment in your health and get back in touch with us.
Outstanding personal care and interest combined with professionalism and service.
Integrity in all your dealings with us and in the management of your order process. ‘Integrity is what you do when no one is looking’
Demystifying PEMF and its application to make your system a very usable modality for you and your family.
A warm welcome at the PEMF Centre when you pick up your rental system and great support during the month with a wellbeing evaluation to commence and at the end of your rental and your own PEMF application programme tailored to your needs.
Committed to aftercare support long after your warranty ends, we normally find a way to help you with your beloved iMRS.
You become part of the PEMF Centre family where you will be known and always recieve a warm welcome long after your purchase has been made.
iMRS Changing lives 8 minutes at a time with the iMRS prime PEMF system – Nature’s best-kept secret.
The PEMF Centre's Role in the Early Days of the iMRS
Below is a YouTube link to a documentary “How to plan for your retirement “ featuring PEMF. I worked with Wolfgang Jaksch CEO of Swiss Bionic Solutions, and the production team to create this first PEMF documentary in early 2013 featuring the first PEMF Centre ( then called the Intelligent Wellness lounge). I personally invested in and designed the Centre, and trained the staff. All those featured in the documentary still use the iMRS system today. Needless to say, those who add PEMF in retirement make a great investment in their health and wellbeing.